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Is there such a thing as a hair safe androgenic steroid?
Linked videos:
1. Sheckter CB, Matsumoto AM, Bremner WJ. Testosterone administration inhibits gonadotropin secretion by an effect directly on the human pituitary. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1989;68(2):397-401. doi:10.1210/jcem-68-2-397
2. Hatakeyama H, Nishizawa M, Nakagawa A, Nakano S, Kigoshi T, Uchida K. Testosterone inhibits tumor necrosis factor-α-induced vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 expression in human aortic endothelial cells. FEBS Letters. 2002;530(1):129-132. doi:10.1016/S0014-5793(02)03440-3
3. Fang H, Tong W, Branham WS, et al. Study of 202 Natural, Synthetic, and Environmental Chemicals for Binding to the Androgen Receptor. Chem Res Toxicol. 2003;16(10):1338-1358. doi:10.1021/tx030011g
4. Olsen EA, Hordinsky M, Whiting D, et al. The importance of dual 5α-reductase inhibition in the treatment of male pattern hair loss: Results of a randomized placebo-controlled study of dutasteride versus finasteride. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 2006;55(6):1014-1023. doi:10.1016/j.jaad.2006.05.007
5. Kicman AT. Pharmacology of anabolic steroids. Br J Pharmacol. 2008;154(3):502-521. doi:10.1038/bjp.2008.165
6. Pitteloud N, Dwyer AA, DeCruz S, et al. Inhibition of Luteinizing Hormone Secretion by Testosterone in Men Requires Aromatization for Its Pituitary But Not Its Hypothalamic Effects: Evidence from the Tandem Study of Normal and Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone-Deficient Men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2008;93(3):784-791. doi:10.1210/jc.2007-2156
7. Fragkaki AG, Angelis YS, Koupparis M, Tsantili-Kakoulidou A, Kokotos G, Georgakopoulos C. Structural characteristics of anabolic androgenic steroids contributing to binding to the androgen receptor and to their anabolic and androgenic activities: Applied modifications in the steroidal structure. Steroids. 2009;74(2):172-197. doi:10.1016/j.steroids.2008.10.016
8. Boregowda K, Joels L, Stephens JW, Price DE. Persistent primary hypogonadism associated with anabolic steroid abuse. Fertility and Sterility. 2011;96(1):e7-e8. doi:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2011.04.029
9. Handelsman DJ. Commentary: Androgens and “Anabolic Steroids”: The One-Headed Janus. Endocrinology. 2011;152(5):1752-1754. doi:10.1210/en.2010-1501
10. Bhasin S, Travison TG, Storer TW, et al. Effect of Testosterone Supplementation With and Without a Dual 5α-Reductase Inhibitor on Fat-Free Mass in Men With Suppressed Testosterone Production: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA. 2012;307(9):931-939. doi:10.1001/jama.2012.227
11. Gallicchio L, Calhoun C, Helzlsouer KJ. Aromatase inhibitor therapy and hair loss among breast cancer survivors. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2013;142(2):435-443. doi:10.1007/s10549-013-2744-2
12. Busardò FP, Frati P, Sanzo MD, et al. The Impact of Nandrolone Decanoate on the Central Nervous System. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2015;13(1):122-131. doi:10.2174/1570159X13666141210225822
13. Karatas F, Sahin S, Sever AR, Altundag K. Management of hair loss associated with endocrine therapy in patients with breast cancer: an overview. Springerplus. 2016;5:585. doi:10.1186/s40064-016-2216-3
14. Pomara C, Barone R, Marino Gammazza A, et al. Effects of Nandrolone Stimulation on Testosterone Biosynthesis in Leydig Cells. J Cell Physiol. 2016;231(6):1385-1391. doi:10.1002/jcp.25272
15. Mata EFD, Nascimento AM do, Lima EM de, et al. Finasteride promotes worsening of the cardiac deleterious effects of nandrolone decanoate and protects against genotoxic and cytotoxic damage. Braz J Pharm Sci. 2020;56:e18289. doi:10.1590/s2175-97902019000318289
16. Vilar Neto J de O, da Silva CA, Bruno da Silva CA, et al. Anabolic androgenic steroid-induced hypogonadism, a reversible condition in male individuals? A systematic review. Andrologia. 2021;53(7):e14062. doi:10.1111/and.14062
17. Zelleroth S, Nylander E, Kjellgren E, Grönbladh A, Hallberg M. Nandrolone decanoate and testosterone undecanoate differently affect stress hormones, neurotransmitter systems, and general activity in the male rat. Behavioural Brain Research. 2022;432:113971. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2022.113971
18. Grandys M, Majerczak J, Frolow M, Sztefko K, Chlopicki S, Zoladz JA. Age-related decrease in serum dihydrotestosterone concentration is accompanied by impaired vascular status. Experimental Gerontology. 2023;173:112104. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2023.112104
19. Solanki P, Eu B, Smith J, Allan C, Lee K. Physical, psychological and biochemical recovery from anabolic steroid-induced hypogonadism: a scoping review. Endocrine Connections. 2023;12(12). doi:10.1530/EC-23-0358
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  • @nc2573
    @nc2573 Годину тому

    If other drugs do have significant systemic side effects by just blocking dht, why should a drug, that destroys the recepor should have no side effects at all. Isn't it more realistic to believe, that the side effects will even be much bigger 🙁

  • @saria8340
    @saria8340 2 години тому

    My grandpa is 76 y.o and has Norwood 1 while me 21 y.o struggling with Norwood 2 (soon will hop on fin)

  • @boxingfan999
    @boxingfan999 2 години тому

    gt20029 could save the day

  • @Colin-cb8hv
    @Colin-cb8hv 2 години тому

    Your claim that testosterone does not accelerate hair loss is false. Derek from MPMD did an experiment where he doubled his trt dose of testosterone to take him from 1000 total t to 2000, all while taking dutasteride to nuke DHT levels to basically zero. He found that his hair started noticeably thinning so he stopped. This proves testosterone alone can accelerate hair loss. It’s just that it has a lower binding affinity than DHT.

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin 2 години тому

      Not so. The flaw in Derek's experiment is that he didn't nuke the DHT in his hair follicles to zero. I understand he took 1 mg per day of dutasteride. 0.5 mg a day decreases scalp DHT by 50%, and 2.5 mg a day decreases it by 80%. So 1 mg a day decreases scalp DHT by maybe about 60%. That is not nuking DHT to zero, no matter what his serum DHT did. So with normal testosterone levels that be enough DHT suppression to stop hair loss in most people, but if you go to supra-physiological levels of testosterone, that is not enough DHT suppression. If you double your serum testosterone level, you are going to double your scalp DHT on dutasteride, and you'll see levels of scalp DHT similar to what you'd see if you had a normal testosterone level and just suppressed your scalp DHT by 30%. That's less than the amount of scalp DHT suppression that you get with finasteride. He was simply not taking enough dutasteride. He would have had to take around 40 mg of dutasteride a day to totally wipe out his scalp DHT. The way he did it, he still had plenty of scalp DHT to cause hair loss, and testosterone did not directly cause his hair loss.

  • @mu0325
    @mu0325 3 години тому

    Could you please talk about peptides and hair loss and if there is a relation between the two?

  • @benaquilina6640
    @benaquilina6640 3 години тому

    Can someone tell me how to get dutasteride

  • @creedbratton2094
    @creedbratton2094 4 години тому

    Never in my life did i think i would watch a video on hairloss and the main character of my favourite ever video game (GTA IV) would make a cameo. Thank you my fellow hair loss witcher.

  • @lauruzo5937
    @lauruzo5937 4 години тому

    Hey Kevin, does the increase of testosterone due to fin only last a couple of months or is it permanent? Everyone says something different

  • @hlias03
    @hlias03 4 години тому

    Hey kevin. Lately i veen growing my hair longer and applying topicals is hard. Currently using a long nose sprayer but it feels like a lot is wasted on my hair rather than reaching the scalp. Any advices ?

  • @SMGA14
    @SMGA14 5 годин тому

    I use tren and ru58841 and haven't lost hair, so you can probably use any steroid if you have ru58841 onhand

  • @olegnalehcim
    @olegnalehcim 5 годин тому

    Awesome content and quality, as always! Cheers!

  • @leann7548
    @leann7548 5 годин тому

    Hey Kev, how many ml of minoxidil should I use per day for beard and how many times a day should I apply it? What can I add to minoxidil for beard (tretinoin, caffeine etc.)

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin 5 годин тому

      @leann7548 No need to add any additional compounds. Bear hair isn't detrimentally affected by DHT so minoxidil will work well. Just apply once daily and use however much you need for desired coverage.

  • @ProsperAims
    @ProsperAims 6 годин тому

    Kevin, please go over the new findings on minox inhibiting dht. Would love a breakdown from you.

    • @ProsperAims
      @ProsperAims 5 годин тому

      The combined analysis revealed that minoxidil treatment of AGA not only acts on androgenic receptors (AR) but also on 2 new targets, steroid 17-alpha-hydroxylase/17,20 lyase (CYP17A1) and aromatase (CYP19A1). The biological processes linked to these targets were concentrated on several pathways, including enzymes and hormones. Further experiments have revealed that minoxidil suppresses the expression of AR and CYP17A1, boosts the activity of CYP19A1, decreases the formation and binding of dihydrotestosterone, and enhances the production of estradiol. Through these changes, minoxidil acts as a treatment for AGA.

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin Годину тому

      @@ProsperAims I plan to do so.

  • @luis__217
    @luis__217 6 годин тому

    Kevin, you are an inspiration to me! Like the father i never had, thank you so much for teaching young men about how to prevent balding!

  • @drad3
    @drad3 6 годин тому

    i am going to start topical finasteride twice a week and i am already on dutasteride mesotherapy but didnt saw any results quite the opposite after 9 months i am shedding

  • @dailydoseofschyzo
    @dailydoseofschyzo 6 годин тому

    Kevin have you tried Minoxidil for your beard?

  • @Ethan_Jax1
    @Ethan_Jax1 6 годин тому

    since dutasteride every 5 days is better than finasteride, is also dutasteride once a week(1 every 7 days) better than finasteride aswell or is it a tad bit worse?

  • @drad3
    @drad3 6 годин тому

    i had dutasteride mesotherapy side effects but after 1 week it got away and i am on month 9 still no side effects kinda weird to be honest why the first week only?

  • @hanzo7616
    @hanzo7616 6 годин тому

    I tried deca before. No side effects. Would deca solo be better than testosterone for a hair safe cycle if I don't get side effects?

  • @Bmedeiros-youtube
    @Bmedeiros-youtube 7 годин тому

    How long do sheds possibly last. I’ve been for 2-3 months. 20-50 in shower. My derm said I had regrowth but still shedding. Been on fin for 3 months and min. They also said it could also be a mix of TE lol. It’s all so confusing.

  • @Yadmeister2255
    @Yadmeister2255 7 годин тому

    I blasted TBOL+Dutasteride and started thinning all over my hairline, and its the safest one. So no, there isnt

    • @ShaneBoy
      @ShaneBoy Годину тому

      Tbol is just way more androgenic than poeple seem to think. I tried a lot of compunds and I used to think TBOL almost was as low androgenic as anavar. It is defintly not. I say its like Dbol + its lowers SHBG unlike dbol so it will be more free-dht active in the blood as well ready to bind to reseptor sites. Put a girl in tbol and see watch happening. Its a reason woman who even takes winny stay away from tbol. I find low dose anavar to be quite safe. Anavar only even seem to make me regain som grown at dosages less than 30mg daily. LGD4033 and osterine also seem fine. I think LGD4033 gives the least hairloss per kg muscles buildt.

  • @railz1510
    @railz1510 8 годин тому

    So if your taking a bodybuilding dose of testosterone, along with dutasteride and minoxidil, the AI can still cause hair loss like you mentioned. So what should you do, take a smaller amount of AI I’m assuming?

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin 7 годин тому

      Use the lowest dose possible, AI's wont' always cause hair loss but it is possible so if it gets really bad even on a small dose then I would just drop and go on PCT.

  • @user-jz8rz5ge8i
    @user-jz8rz5ge8i 8 годин тому

    Kevin looks like the highschool Chad who actually succeded after highschool

  • @nexhi991
    @nexhi991 9 годин тому

    i knew vegans are all mentally sick

  • @thomasharatein2567
    @thomasharatein2567 9 годин тому

    I think you are employed by a pharmaceutical lobby to promote finasteride and dutasteride. PFS is real. I had exactly the same effects as the others: loss of bone and collagen on my face. We all have the same effects. When we see people again after several months, they tell us we've lost weight, but we haven't. I have no other effects, sexual or mental, but this one is real. I don't have any other effects, either sexual or mental, but this one is real and I didn't believe their PFS delusions at first. Finasteride works crazy well, but this PFS thing is 100% true

  • @realredfox
    @realredfox 10 годин тому

    If you can't Karate chop a pill in half your DHT levels are too high.

  • @tjwatchingu
    @tjwatchingu 10 годин тому

    Bought a three way pill splitter on amazon, running 0.33mg fin per day. Loving it

  • @bevnae
    @bevnae 10 годин тому

    2 hair transplants later, your own little language, your little following who comment CHOOMS on every video and your amateur acting on every performance and your parents STILL aren’t proud of you.

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin 9 годин тому

      I thought you'd be happy, I haven't made a PFS video in months. (and I've got no plans to)

  • @SakshyamPandey-i1x
    @SakshyamPandey-i1x 10 годин тому

    Hello Kev, what do you think is better? 0.2 mg of dut twice per week or 0.5 mg once a week?

  • @allwyndsouza707
    @allwyndsouza707 10 годин тому

    Whos this guy in thumbnail who allways gets mentioned tim and anna ?? Whoever it is or whatever the thing the thumbnai game is fantastic as always really makes me chuckle 😂 Kevin mann ur the man 🙌

  • @whatitdo343
    @whatitdo343 11 годин тому

    Been waiting for this video. Reduced my trt dose to 70mg every week to make sure that I'm actually firmly in the physiological range, started fin 1mg ED and my libido has never been better.

  • @test-id6cz
    @test-id6cz 11 годин тому

    People take trt to get in the unrealistic high end of natural t levels. For some, high end T is a real cycle for bodybuilding since everyone needs a different amount of T to do the same thing naturally. Theres no way you can avoid hairloss if you double your testosterone even if its still in the 900ng/dl range. Not to mention TRT maintains the concentration of t in blood stable unlike the natural ups and downs of hormones during the day

  • @test-id6cz
    @test-id6cz 11 годин тому

    Did you hear about Tim pool being paid by russians to spread the propaganda LOL

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin 9 годин тому

      Yes, what a douchebag. Wonder if Putin offered him Ana Kasparian.

  • @libaninho.
    @libaninho. 11 годин тому

    What a legend. Love this guy.

  • @dloc999
    @dloc999 11 годин тому

    Kevin, thanks so much for this. I’ve been microneedling on and off for about two years, probably a year and couple months worth if I did it consistently. Stopping permanently now. I know you mentioned there’s no data on long term effects but in your opinion would one to two years count as short term use?

  • @shred9475
    @shred9475 12 годин тому

    Hey i am a bodybuilder on gear with norwood 0 so i can talk about this. I blast all sorts if gear and i am perdiocally on and off dut. But i don’t have MBP so that could play a role.

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin 9 годин тому

      It's probably a lot of golden age bodybuilders didn't go bald.

  • @drad3
    @drad3 12 годин тому

    Is normal to see shedding after 9 months of mesotherapy??

  • @Alexyno994
    @Alexyno994 13 годин тому

    hey kevin. I remember reading somewhere that finasteride has a half-life of 8 hours in the bloodstream. Wouldnt it theoretically make sense to take finasteride twice a day then? Since as finasteride disappears from the blood stream DHT can wreak havoc on the hair follicle?

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin 9 годин тому

      No, because even though the drug has a short half life, it outright destroys the DHT it suppresses and scalp DHT levels will remain low for a good while after finasteride is out of the system. It is why many people can stop hair loss even when using the drug every other day.

    • @Alexyno994
      @Alexyno994 9 годин тому

      @@haircafekevin thank you for your response!

  • @kaivaz6076
    @kaivaz6076 13 годин тому

    Who is the ever appearing “Tim” guy on the cover?

  • @_Your_Wifes_Boyfriend
    @_Your_Wifes_Boyfriend 13 годин тому

    Great thumbnail! Women really could care less about muscles, hair is so much more important (+ height & face, ofc).

  • @Nikpro0607
    @Nikpro0607 15 годин тому

    Hi Kevin, I have an appointment with my dermatologist in about a week. Given that I'm only 18 years old and have been experiencing hair loss for around 1.5 years, would you recommend starting dutasteride right away? The fact that my hair loss started this early makes it seem relatively aggressive and makes me wonder if early intervention would be beneficial. I have seen some horror stories on tressless lately where people claim that dut ruined their hair which makes me a bit sceptical. Thanks for your advice

  • @dahuterschuter
    @dahuterschuter 15 годин тому

    Currently 6 months on DUT: -constant massive sheddings, wads of hair coming out in combing -shed hairs are thinner at the base/roots -hairline is below baseline Hoping for stabilization in a year on the timeline man.

  • @adi96adi
    @adi96adi 16 годин тому

    I agree that it's unlikely to fully replace existing treatments - purely from how many treatments have failed to do so, but what from the press and studies would make you think that it's the case?

  • @gfxraven1235
    @gfxraven1235 17 годин тому

    Hey chooom got a very imp question for ya ... Ok there are two medicines available Fin and DUT.Lets suppose Fin is effective for 5 years For me, after which Dut needs to be taken, and it remains effective for 3 years. That is 8 years in total.I would like to inquire whether, if I skip the FIN medicine, Dut will Only work for 3 year or Not . Am I right or wrong ?

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin 7 годин тому

      There are too many hypotheticals in your question. There's no reason to think that finasteride would be effective for just 5 years and then dutasteride just 3 years more after that. I know what you are trying to ask, but I don't accept the premise of your question that the drugs would stop working after a specific time period. So I don't think any answer I give you would have any validity.

    • @gfxraven1235
      @gfxraven1235 6 годин тому

      @@haircafekevin i just want to use fin dut for max time and rn i am on fin 10 month and i am losing 40 to 50 hair daily and ik thats way reduced like i use to shed 100 plus but now i am thinking if i start dut 1x a week and my main point is that i want to optimize it to work for max time

  • @nikolakerkez4153
    @nikolakerkez4153 17 годин тому

    Hey Kevin, I’m wondering if you apply minox all over your scalp, or only certain sections of your hair. I’ve been applying 5% foam minoxidil on my vertex, hairline, and temples. Just wondering if that’s good enough or if I should do more?

  • @Levipaulsen
    @Levipaulsen 17 годин тому

    Your hatred of Tim Pool is so weird and specific.

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin 17 годин тому

      I don't hate Tim Pool, I use him in my thumbnails because he's meant to represent the cold and harsh reality of hair loss most people are too afraid to talk about. When people cope with hair loss they often cherry pick the same few celebrities like Jason Statham, The Rock, Vin Diesel, etc so they can favorably compare themselves to them. But the reality is that the majority of people who do go bald are going to wind up like Tim as I portray him in my thumbnails, and I think it is important people know that. It's as I have been saying for years, for every bald man who looks like Jason Statham there will be a thousand more who look like Jason Blaha. I have the utmost respect for people who embrace their newfound identities as bald men, but let's not pretend the outcome is always as rosy as we hope it will be.

    • @Levipaulsen
      @Levipaulsen 17 годин тому

      @@haircafekevin well, that was a way more fleshed out answer than I expected And in fairness to Tim, if he cut his bf% down and muscle% up he could probably more approximate the bald badass look.

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin 16 годин тому

      @@Levipaulsen Agreed, I hope he sees these thumbnails and finds the inspiration for self-improvement.

  • @karthikeyanshanmugaraja6
    @karthikeyanshanmugaraja6 17 годин тому

    It decreases the libido and semen quantity seriously

  • @dumnbuger
    @dumnbuger 18 годин тому

    Hey Kevin, I saw your video on microneedling and you basically said in combination with minoxidil it could work. That said, my hairline temples are so so stubborn to growth, I am thinking would it be a good idea to use the derma stamp on that region ? I’ve been using dutaseride and minoxidil for over a year, the hairline has gone from severely thin to a stage where I can safely conceal the hairline thinning regions. Can you make a video on stubborn hairline treatment?

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin 7 годин тому

      I said it does enhance minoxidil's effects. But alternatives to consider are adding tretinoin or going to 10% minoxidil. I don't think microneedling is a good long-term solution. I'll add your suggestion to my list of future video topics.

  • @Sxm101
    @Sxm101 18 годин тому

    One of my friend said he took dut 0.5 mg once a week for a month or so and he could tell that the effect of the drug disappeared after four days. He now take two duts per week. It seems to be working according to him? Is this just anecdotal Kevin or theres a difference between once vs twice? Thanks for the videos choom!

    • @haircafekevin
      @haircafekevin 7 годин тому

      0.5 mg once a week probably just wasn't strong enough for him. It's about equal to or a little less than finasteride at 1 mg per day.. Now he's taking 1 mg per week and probably getting better DHT suppression.

  • @tmp1k
    @tmp1k 18 годин тому

    i'm considering switching to a 2 m 1 fin + min pill from Phoenix health which i think is based here in Canada. But I'm not interested in Hypertrichosis. I never really gave topical a fair shot. Been on finasteride for years and just stuck with it.